Chargeback After a Scam: How to Get Your Money Back

Автор ArtemMit, Март 21, 2025, 07:21

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Теги chargeback-forexget-money-back-from-brokerfund-recovery-forexchargeback-guidefinancial-fraud-recovery
The issue of recovering funds from fraudulent brokers is one of the most frequently discussed topics on forums related to financial markets. This is especially true when it comes to pseudo-Forex companies operating without licenses or legitimate authorizations. People often fall into such schemes without realizing that behind attractive websites and polite managers are ordinary scammers. But even in difficult situations, there are effective mechanisms for recovery. One of them is a chargeback, which allows you to recover your money if it was sent via bank card. The key is to understand the process and act systematically.

Here is a practical guide. If you need help with documents or communication with the bank regarding your specific case, feel free to email us. We'll review it individually.

How to identify a fraudulent broker?

The most important thing at the initial stage is to understand who you were dealing with. Fraudulent Forex companies often operate using classic schemes. After you fund your account, they show you impressive charts, "profitable trades," and assign you a personal manager who persistently encourages you to invest more money. When you attempt to withdraw your funds, problems begin: they demand additional fees, taxes, or verification. Sometimes the broker stops responding altogether, and your account on their website gets blocked.

On the surface, the platform may appear to be a legitimate company, but upon closer examination, it turns out they have no regulatory license or are registered offshore with no financial oversight. In such cases, recovery is possible, but you need to act quickly.

How it works: Chargeback and its principles

A chargeback is a dispute process for a payment transaction aimed at recovering funds. It applies to transactions made with Visa or Mastercard bank cards if the payer became a victim of deception or fraud. In simple terms, it's a way to return funds through your bank that were sent to an unscrupulous company.

A chargeback is initiated by the customer. The bank reviews the case and, if fraud or misleading actions are confirmed, initiates the refund process. This process involves the payment system and the acquiring bank of the recipient.

Here's a brief overview of how chargeback works:

  • You submit a claim to your bank stating that you've been scammed.
  • You attach all available evidence (correspondence, transaction statements, contracts, etc.) to your claim.
  • The bank reviews your claim and, if your argument is convincing, forwards a request to the payment system (Visa, Mastercard).
  • If the decision is positive, the funds are returned to your card.

It's important to understand that a chargeback is not an instant refund. It's a legal procedure with timelines and requirements. However, with a well-prepared case, the chance of success is high.

Step-by-step guide to recovering funds through chargeback

  • Step 1. Collect evidence: At this stage, it's important to document all available information proving you were scammed. Correspondence with company managers, emails, screenshots of your personal account on the platform, proof of transfers to the broker's account, advertising materials promising guaranteed profits—everything should be included in your case. The more evidence, the better.
  • Step 2. Determine the submission deadlines: The standard timeframe to submit a chargeback is 120 days from the transaction date. In some cases, banks accept claims after this period, but the sooner you act, the better your chances. If there were multiple transactions, you can submit separate claims for each to avoid losing time.
  • Step 3. Submit a claim to your bank: Contact the bank that issued your card. In your claim, specify that you were dealing with a fraudulent company. Do not describe the situation as "investments" or "unsuccessful trades"—focus on the fact that you were deceived, given false information, or denied a refund. Attach all collected evidence to your claim.
  • Step 4. Monitor the process: After submitting the claim, the bank may request additional data or clarifications. It's important to stay in control, respond promptly to the bank's requests, and provide the required information. Sometimes the investigation can take several months, so patience is necessary.

When chargeback may not work

Despite its effectiveness, a chargeback doesn't always result in a refund. There are cases where banks refuse to return funds:

  • The deadline for submitting a claim has passed (usually 120 days).
  • The payment was made using a method other than Visa or Mastercard (e.g., cryptocurrency or bank wire transfer).
  • There isn't enough evidence to prove you were a victim of fraud.
  • The client misrepresented the situation, indicating the investments were voluntary and the risks were understood.
  • The bank decided that the disputed transactions complied with the payment system's terms.

Nevertheless, with a well-prepared case and a comprehensive description of events, there's a good chance of a successful chargeback, even in complicated situations.

How to avoid being scammed again?

After falling victim to a fraudulent broker, you may be approached by so-called "fund recovery companies." They often promise guaranteed results in exchange for an upfront fee. These entities can be just as fraudulent as the original broker.

Be especially cautious about offers claiming to "recover funds through insiders" or "via international investigations," where you're asked to pay upfront. Remember: real professionals work under a contract, with clear terms of payment for specific services, and they do not demand advance payments for "guarantees." If someone promises a "100% refund," it's a red flag.

If you're unsure who you're dealing with, it's best to consult people who understand such schemes. You can contact us—we'll verify it.

Conclusion: Getting your money back from a Forex broker through chargeback

Chargeback is a real way to recover money lost due to fraudulent actions by Forex companies. It works if the money was transferred via Visa or Mastercard, and you have evidence proving you were misled. However, it's important to understand that chargeback is not an instant solution but a process with strict rules and evidence requirements.

The key to recovery is acting promptly. The sooner you submit your claim, the higher the chance of getting your money back. It's also important to build the right case: avoid mistakes when contacting the bank and present the situation as fraud, not an investment risk.

If you're unsure how to gather documents correctly or at what stage to involve legal support, contact us. We handle specific cases, help draft claims for banks, and support the chargeback process until the final decision.

Don't delay. The sooner you begin the recovery process, the better your chances of getting your money back.

If you've been scammed, please contact us at [email protected]